Saturday, April 18, 2020

PPE Hair

If you clicked on this link, you are wondering what does PPE have to do with hair. PPE in the medical world stands for personal protection equipment. PPE can compromise hair. Protein treatments can offset the effects personal protective equipment have on hair. In this blog, PPE is used in another way to highlight how protein's power is essential to hair. Wouldn't you like to see and learn about another protein that has unseen powers?

The novel Coronavirus is a protein too. It is wreaking havoc on the world. The power of small is being demonstrated in ways no one could have ever imagined. It is also revealing just how little power the large really have. I unfortunately live in a nation where the country's leader has made a decision to unite with Governors of certain states to reopen May 1st of 2020. Currently, the nation has not successfully used a full two months of efforts to enforce social distancing, testing and washing hands. Yet, the president with the big mouth made the decision to reopen from the powers of his mind.

This is all quite interesting. As a cosmetologist, I am not only utterly disappointed in our government. I am also disappointed by the lack of support we are getting from federal, state and local officials who govern, educate and regulate the cosmetology and barbering industries. I am disappointed that we are not a part of any task force that designs what will be needed to re-enter the work force. There are many licensed pros and salon owners who would love to have input to help create new protocols in sanitation, cleansing and disinfecting, proper social distancing in our businesses and more for the benefit of our industry, our customers and ourselves. Science sustains, supports and validates the beauty industry. Science also sustains, supports and validates the science of pandemics. According to Robert Kirchdoerfer, a structural biologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who studies how coronaviruses fuse with host cells, "the novel Coronavirus has four structural protein spikes that gives it this almighty capacity to envelope (encase cells), bind and stick to cellular structures, another binding protein that binds to human receptors and hacks its way into the human anatomy affecting many while killing others.

It is my hopes that this pandemic is teaching the world, the power of a small protein virus. Proteins are so powerful. Proteins get plenty of attention ins science and medicine. However they are underrated and do not get enough attention when it comes to hair. The secret to providing various solutions to this novel Coronavirus lies in understanding the almighty power of proteins. The crowning protein receptors which gives the virus its name invites scientists from across the globe to peer inside to gain an understanding of how it works. While the idiot president of the United States repeatedly calls it, "the Chinese virus," nothing could be further from the truth. For the record, "The 'corona' in the coronavirus actually comes from what the virus LOOKS like. Under a microscope, the virus has these little proteins that sticks out of it and it kind of looks like the sun, the corona," says Dr. Patel special medical correspondent for ABC7 News. "The disease it causes is called COVID-19. This means CO-corona, V-I virus, D - disease and 19 -2019," he concludes. There you have it. The pure unadulterated funk, a la' truth, from the science folk who works with this virus every day. Like the structural biologist, epidemiologist, and other specialist works to understand this protein, so do certain cosmetologists when it comes to hair. Cosmetologists, like me!

Protein power is essential to hair because hair is protein. Whenever anybody is having any problems with the way their hair looks, feel, perform, the question of protein will always come into play. Human hair consists of three protein layers. The cuticle is the outer layer. The cuticle layer is responsible for the way the hair looks, feels and manages. The second layer is the cortex. The cortex is responsible for the color and strength of hair. The medulla is the third layer. Many scientists continue to understand the purpose of the layer. Fine hair textures do not have a medulla. Medium to coarse textures of hair have a medulla. While scientist are working diligently every day in understanding viruses, they are doing the same for the science of hair.

Because protein is essential to hair, make sure you include protein into your hair care and hair styling regimen. Hair is skin. Skin can only absorb so much. Just as your skin cannot absorb all the lotion you apply when you put on too much; the same can be said for protein for hair. In other words, you can not use too much protein or use protein too frequently. As we care for and style our hair daily, we compromise these protein layers. As a result, we need to incorporate using various hair care and hair styling products that are infused with proteins. Natural, organic or synthetic protein are good. During this pandemic, your options may be limited. Shop online at my website, other online sources and your local retailers deemed essential to be open for business. PPE hats, helmets, bonnets and styling techniques rub the tiny outer cuticle protein layer. The friction which rubs the cuticle layer increases the ability to damage the second layer. Protect your hair with leave in protein conditioner, protein treatments and thermal protectants when using heat. The worse case scenario, coat your hair with oil to reduce friction. Do not use Shea butter, coconut oil and cocoa butter. Butters are difficult to wash off with regular shampoos.

I will never be offer a vaccination for Coronavirus. I do not specialize in the science of it. However, I do know and understand the science of protein and hair. Protein is vital to hair. It is important to have in in your arsenal of hair care products. Who knows? Wouldn't it be nice if the secret to solving the mystery of the novel protein Coronavirus would be similar to solving the mystery of damaged protein hair layers?