Sunday, September 29, 2013

Awe Crap!

When many think of what it takes to be beautiful. A few thoughts come to mind. First there are the typical beauty rituals of cleansing, exfoliating, massaging and moisturizing. Another beauty ritual that comes to mind is exercising. Let's see, there is the warm up/stretch out, the actual workout, getting the blood/oxygen flowing, then there is the cool down finished with more stretching and an affirmation here and there. Also, putting on nice clothes, make up and or perfume also comes to mind when one thinks of beauty rituals. With all the above mentioned; no wonder beauty is very sought after. The process to be beautiful appears to be beautiful in itself.

The No.2 is the new No.1
Now let's cut through the chase and get down to business. Almost everybody remembers the old adage, "Beauty is skin deep; but ugly is to the bones!" Beauty may not be all the way skin deep and ugly surely isn't completely to the bones. What really makes one beauty is what is on the inside. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. How many tines have we heard that before? Well, to be honest; mother was right again. Beauty does start on the inside and is completed with a BM! A BM you ask? Yes, BM as in bowel movement, poopie, doodie, potty and all those other cute names to make what is so grossly normal sound cute. A good old fashioned BM is responsible for the external beauty most truly admire.

What things in external beauty do most admire? Most admire intelligence, great personality, flat stomachs, clear skin, and of course my favorite in beauty; beautiful shiny hair. No need to re-read the first sentence in this paragraph because it is true. Bowel movements are somewhat a taboo topic of conversation and suggestion in the world of beauty. Contrary to most beauty approaches and recommendation; bowel movements should always be included in the discussion of health and beauty goals. What is it about bowel movements that makes you intelligent, have clear skin, a flat stomach, a great personality and beautiful shiny hair you ask?

Viveca, a Blooger of "Fatigue Be Gone," writes this about constipation and irregular bowel movements; "Constipation feeds fatigue, literally. Because toxins aren't being eliminated properly, they are in fact building up and demanding more of your body's energy to process and store." That is correct. When toxins are not eliminated regularly and properly; those toxins begin to tax the body in more ways than one. The result typically starts with a sluggish performance in the brain; thus making you moody and unable to concentrate to do the task at hand with excellence.

The battle of the bulge begins on the toilet with one our grand parents famous sayings, "Poop or get off the pot!" If you get off the pot and do not poop, the bulge will win!" If bowel movements don’t occur on a daily basis, where does it go? It's stored in the colon, which becomes more and more impacted over time, causing the belly to bulge. The excess fecal matter is stored in the body and it WILL add weight to the body. The more impacted the colon becomes, the more weight you carry." says Nutritionist, Linda Keith Anderson. So making significant changes in what you eat and how much becomes pertinent in one's determination to rid that unwanted bulge. While fancy pills, massages and the likes help; nothing will "move them kits" like fiber, water and exercise. Please keep in mind that nothing will undo all of your efforts like a night out with wings, fries, chips and dips. Understand that impacted fecal matter, improper elimination, constipation or diarrhea not only makes you cranky, sluggish in your thought and have unwanted bulge; it also is responsible for the cause of unwanted acne as well. Because the skin is it largest organ of the body; it is quick to reveal the inner workings of your body or what is lacking in the body  via the skin. The skin truly tells the doctor many things we hide, deny or fib about.

Lastly, my favorite; hair! Hair is skin. Again skin is the largest organ of the body. I can tell my customers more about what is and what is not going on in their bodies simply by analyzing their hair. To date, I have always been right. Before you run out to purchase expensive moisturizing treatments; drink water. If limp, shedding an hair breakage frightens you; add foods that are rich in protein to strengthen hair versus a protein treatment. If it is longer hair you are after; exercise, increase fiber intake, dark green vegetables, have a good BM and I guarantee long, strong and shiny hair will always be the result.

Understand that bowel movements are very different from person to person; but eliminating at least 2-3 times per day will suffice; though after every meal would be excellent.

Refrain from pills, diets and fads that "make you go." Instead drink more water and eat foods like oatmeal, wheat based cereals, dark green vegetables and adding healthy oils to your diet such as olive oil or/and flax seed oil to help promote regular and proper elimination. If you feel that you are not eliminating properly, do not play doctor. Visit your doctor for product diagnosis.

Now, the next time you see a beautiful person, with a flat stomach, a great personality accentuated by great hair; you will now say to yourself; "I bet she/he boo boo'd today!"


Monday, September 16, 2013

Health and Hair

Wellness is here to stay.

“Let’s get physical, physical; I wanna get physical!” Ahhh, the Olivia Newton-John 1980’s hit that contributed to the Jazzercise craze that swept the nation. Back in those days Jazzercise was the thing to do. You put your tights on, followed by your favorite colored leotard and your Jazzercise look was complete with a pair of wool leggings. If you really wanted to get physical, you’d put on one of those bulky twisted head bands and strutted your way to a new figure.

My how things have changed. Today health is not all about looking cute and strutting. Looking has evolved into wellness. Somewhere in between one can choose from low impact, to Zumba, to T-25, to Billie Blanks to a boot camp. No matter how you kick it or what you call it; health and beauty is no longer focused on the external but the internal.

As a licensed professional who specializes in hair care, I can not find enough hands to high five for what I sincerely believe is a mainstay in helping people achieve health and beauty. Long hair, short hair, color treated hair, natural and so on are what many women and men’s desire. Regardless the length, texture or color; they all want it healthy. And many believe that healthy hair is all about hair care products and styling tools.

That, my dear, is the furthest thing from the truth. Healthy hair begins with nutrition that is complimented by genetics and topped off with all the hair oils, hair color, hair perms, flat irons, spray, weave and everything else you can imagine or want to spend your money on. When my customers come in and they are in search of healthy hair. I always consult with them on the following before I even physically touch their hair.

I begin by informing them of what I call “The Super Six.”  “The Super Six” are imperative to healthy hair and they are: water, sound diet, bowel movements, exercise, positive thinking and sleep.

Why? Well, to make a long blog short, water is imperative because not only does water immediately hydrate the body and the hair; it improves nutrition on a cellular level; thus making what you eat get to the vital organs and nourish them properly. A sound diet is truly imperative because you are what you eat. Food is not only about tasting good and satisfying our hunger; food is nourishment to our organs and especially hair. So if you eat a lot of junky food, you will have junky hair and vice versa. Bowel movements are so super duper imperative I could write another blog on this topic. As a matter of fact I will. Now where was I? Oh yeah, ye’ old BM. Bowel movements are imperative because that is one of the main ways the body eliminates waste and toxins. When bowel movements are irregular, hard, too runny, in pellets accompanied by an extremely putrid odor; something has to change. Make it a point to eat foods that are high in fiber and promotes good flora. Bowel movements should occur after every meal. Exercise is uberly imperative for those who desire to have fuller healthier hair due to the increased blood flow. Remember what you eat (good or bad) goes directly into your blood that nourishes your other organs and your hair! So do your Jazzercise, T-25 or Boot camp and eat your beets! Positive thinking is a must. A man thinketh; so is he. If you think positive; then positive you will be. Enough said. Lastly, Sleep. Sleep is imperative (and my favorite may I add) because when you are sleeping, the body repairs itself. One would truly be amazed by all the wonderment in repairing, rejuvenation and healing that takes place when the body is at a true sound rest.

While all of this is a bit much to digest. I encourage you to re-read the simplicity of what I call “The Super Six” and begin to make a commitment to wellness which not only results in a strong body and sound mind. “The Super Six” also results in healthy hair.

“Now let me hear your body talk, your body talk!”