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Drum roll please! |
Being a stickler to rules are often enforced by teachers, family members, police officers and so on. But no one enforcers rules like a mother. Who can remember the old golden rule, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool mom?" Now that I am a mother, I must admit, I enforce rules like no other. And if I thought enforcing rules at home was something else, nothing prepared me for the ultimate in enforcing like enforcement at the hair salon. And just as you can't fool mom, you also can not fool the hair stylist.
Hairstylists are always offering tips; giving up the do's and don't of hair care. Just the other day a customer revealed to another hairstylist that they were doing something to their hair at home that we suggested they not do. Then, as you guessed it, other customers chimed in, "I didn't know that. I do that too!" We were all floored. So one of the customer's blurted out, "You should write us a do and don't list." No problem and no fooling. So, without further ado, below outline the top ten do's and don'ts in hair care....again!
Drum roll please,
Top 10 Don'ts:
- Put a plastic (or any shower cap) on your hair when you shower. The moisture will convert you relaxed, natural, smoothed, or set hair style. You are creating a sauna on your head with the plastic cap and the oils from your hair. Thus causing the hair to swell and revert. Instead wrap your wrapped or unwrapped hair in a towel. The towel will absorb the moisture from the steam. Don't wear any kind of cap on your hair. Feel free to open the door or window to let out the steam.
- Flat iron or attempt to curl hair when it has not been shampooed in over 7 days. The heat will cook your hair along with the dirt. So don't do this.
- Co-Wash. Do not co-wash. That is like attempting to wash with lotion. Lotion does not clean skin. There is no such conditioner that cleanses hair or should be used in lieu of shampoo.
- Wait too long to shampoo your hair. The average head of hair should be cleansed within 4 to 10 days. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to style your hair, especially if you are over 35 years of age.
- Cut your hair monthly. If you want longer hair, cutting it monthly will almost always cut your 1/4th inch that you just grew back out. So try cutting it every 2-3 months using the Lunar Hair Cutting System. Google the Morroccan Method...he has it down to a science.
- Purchase products that read for "Women of Color" or "Black Hair." People of the same race do not have the same hair texture and type. Instead, purchase your products according to the results you want to see and feel on your hair. Words like: rejuvenating, repair, fortifying, shine, manageable, volume, smooth, de-frizz and so on are wise purchases. You will also get a better bang for your buck.
- Turn down the heat. If straight hair is what you are after, then you will need heat. You will need high heat to smooth hair to ensure that it will not convert back. Don't use low or medium heat to flat iron, curl or soft press hair. Doing so will cause hair to revert and break. Speak to your stylist or read the manufacturers instructions on how high the heat should be for your unique hair fabric.
- Share products. Do not share hair care products with friends and family members. Remember what will work on their hair may not work on yours and vice versa.
- Not combing your hair. If you are wearing a smooth and sleek style, it is imperative to comb your hair frequently throughout the day. The less you comb it; the regrowth will swell and convert thus making the hair more susceptible to breaking at the demarcation line. Be sure to comb your hair frequently throughout the day. Frequent combing also re-distributes oils and products throughout hair.
- Apply hair weave straight from the package to your hair. Artificial and human hair are often treated with some serious chemicals. Those chemicals often irritate. Try lightly misting the hair with a little vinegar and water mixture to reduce irritation.
A little snare please,
Top 10 Do's
- Drink plenty of water. Healthy hair comes from within. There is no hair stylist, hair care product or styling tool that can make hair healthy. Instead, they make hair look and feel healthy. Water is a catalyst that gets everything going and working together. So please drink water.
- Boo Boo. That is right! Nothing promotes growth like healthy bowel movements. Hair like skin reflects the inner working of the body. So move them kits. Eat properly to promote regular healthy bowel movements.
- Exercise. Read #2
- Wrap your hair at night. If smooth hair is what you are after, then wrapping your hair at night will keep tresses tamed and smooth. This will also make re-styling in the morning easier.
- Take advantage of treatments that are scalp specific. The scalp is the foundation of beautiful shiny performing hair. Products such as Decca Plus, P2 by Philip Pelusi and Phyto are my favorites.
- Invest in products that fit your budget. Salon products are not better than over the counter. If it works; use it.
- Eat your way to stronger longer hair. Foods are the ultimate source to nourish hair.
- Take supplements. If your diet is restricted or if you are a vegan and the likes, supplements can help nourish hair. Understand whole food sources are best. Supplements can help.
- Use protein. Humans are lean mean protein making machines. Hair is included in that. Under a microscope the varying strands of hair have tiny scales called cuticle layers. Those layers are what hair is mostly comprised of. The second layer is the cuticle. The cuticle layer is where the integrity and strength is. So using quality proteins are best. My favorite proteins are P2's Daily Hair Rx, Decca Plus' Satin Tame and Infusium 23 Original Formula.
- Invest in a great shampoo. Hair care is like skin care and fabric care. In skin care and fabric care, what is the most important? Soap and detergent or lotion and fabric softener? Soap!
That concludes my list of Top Ten. Please print and clip this list. If you have any questions, email me, call me (216-321-1101) or find me on any of the social networks. I gotchu...
Love, peace and hair grease!